A distribution board, often known as a panel or electric panel, is an important component of any commercial or residential energy delivery system.
The primary power wire connects to a distribution board, which then distributes power to various circuits via breakers or safety fuses. In layman’s terms, it feeds electricity to secondary circuits like lights and plugs.
These boards are more than just little enclosures; they’re also part of a larger system that includes neutral linkages, an earth leakage device, and interconnecting wires for correct energy distribution. The efficient distribution of power is critical for the office and household appliances.
Precision’s premium distribution boards are designed to meet a wide range of aesthetic as well as safety needs in both residential and business environments.
With your safety in mind, we’ve outlined how to manage the distribution board’s safety in your residential building in this blog post:
Install the distribution board in a location where it will not come into touch with water. As a result, several basements are excluded. Many electrical codes state that they must not be installed higher than 2200 mm above the floor. It’s best to put it somewhere out of the way where youngsters can’t get to it and where the interior aesthetics aren’t compromised. Due to the risk of fire, these boards should not be mounted near a stationary cooking device.
When not being physically handled, the distribution board must always be covered. This is to keep moisture, humidity, and dust from corroding the wires and fixtures. Blanking plates must be used to cover the vacant slots on distribution boards.
It is a major fire hazard to your home if you detect a burning odor at the distribution panel. Turn off the electricity and call a licensed electrician. Also, if circuit breakers continue to trip despite you shutting off appliances, your circuitry or board may be damaged and malfunctioning. It will have to be replaced.
Place a warning sign on the covert metal box that holds the distribution board’s door. This will keep people from touching potentially dangerous components haphazardly. Prevention is always better than cure, as they say.
Precision Electricals provides inexpensive solutions for electrical amenities for your properties. We have extensive expertise in delivering electrical components to the Indian B2B market and we look forward to assisting you.